Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beyonce covers her flat ass!

Here is Beyonce at the beach in Monaco with her mom (hairy legged ass). Beyonce did us a favor and covered up her flat ass, if you look at the picture where Tina, her mom, is taking the pic (with her awkward looking legs), it looks like Beyonce is working with an ironing board for ass cheeks LMAO! Also, look at the image from the side, where the jelly?


  1. What's up with her F N weave?
    All that $ and the shit looks like matted dog hair.


  2. The ho always covers her flat pancake ass when she isn't wearing her ass pads.

  3. ^^^took the words right out of my Pancake..

  4. she is sending the wrong message to young girls out there. Have you ever since J.LO with a bad ass pic? No cuz hers is real! beyonce ass is fake, one min it looks big the next it looks flat

  5. i always knew dat bitch ass hoe heffa ass muthafuckin bitch was fake as shit.wasnt nobody born yesterday while she tryin put on a front like she got it all.dat hoe a bmw.(body made wrong).2 fuckin wrong.wen she gotta wear ass pads

  6. dumbassbitchesneedtogetalifeJune 14, 2010 at 11:55 AM

    ok you guys must be fucking dumb if you think beyonce's ass is flat.

    quit hating on stuff you don't have. beyonce will always be better than any of you. i was looking at the poll at the top and noticed only 5 people voted, which pretty much sums up how pathetic this blog is.

  7. Beyonce flat ass ARE U FUKIN SERIOUS !! Stop hatin on her she's beatiful

  8. Jealousy is an ugly thing :[
