Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bey in Marie Claire Magazine

Look at old lady Beyonce in Marie Claire looking like shes pushing 40 years old. Chile, she in that 1980's looking dress and that tired azz long mop looking weave on her head. Did anyone tell her that short cuts is in, and that dyed blonde (wannabe white) mess is NOT the business? Black women always looked stupid to me in blonde hair. Thats a white womans trait, so why are black women jumping on the blonde hair band wagon? Get that blonde out your head, Bey! Please send her the memo!

Anyway, doesn't she look old and wilted like old lettuce thats been in your crisper for 3 weeks in that tired azz green dress? UGH...moving on


  1. 27 MY ASS!!!! The only friend this ho has in the whold world is Photoshop. Look at the picture above and look at the picture in the next article. Tired ass lying bitch.

    Maybe she is 27 in Camel years.

  2. Dear Beyonce,

    We here at PhotoShop no longer appreciate your business and politely suggest that you take your silly ass somewhere else to get your photos overhauled.

    We removed 50 pounds from your wide ass hips and waiste, removed the celulite and another 20 pounds from your chunky thighs, and did a great job at making your flabby arms look toned. We also lightened your skin as you demanded. Do you have any idea how much time it took to re-do your sloppy out of shape ass? But there is only so much we can do about your old ass face. We cannot make your funky ass look 27, fool. NOBODY CAN MAKE YOU LOOK 27.

    My employees hate you, I hate you. Goodby, good luck, get lost.


    Extreme PhotoShop Services, Inc.

  3. Hahahahaha...Preach it Sucha Farce nobody can fix her old a.s.s face. It's obvious she much older than she claims

  4. Keep advertising MOD your site will pick up again! Advertise, advertise, advertise!! put it on Media Take Out. People don't know you're back!!!

  5. this chick tries so hard to be white and revelant that is funny

    Welcom Back (and dont pull a Mase lol)welcomed his azz back to into the game and he was out before he was in again

  6. if she keep bleaching her skin. she and michael j will be

  7. lol...she needs some activator for that weave..ugh.

    HOB is B.A.C. to the K

  8. I think they let you out of the psychiatric hospital too soon. I bet you have like a thousand pictures of beyonce on your wall and all of her cds, every movie she made and You cut out pictures of Jay-'s head and replaced it with a picture of yours. No person should hate someone as much as you hate beyonce...Have you even met this woman? I'm not a fan of her music at all and her acting is HORRIBLE but I dont hate her. She will never go away. So deal with it.

  9. and yet you took the time to come on this site...that's why sites like these are popping up every where...we know it annoys her fans..thanx!

  10. HOB is back yeah!

  11. Why does solange look better than Beyonce now???? Shes old new....I wonder if Beyonce ever plans to change her style!

  12. Hatian Sensation is absolutely right. When I heard this site existed I just came over to take a peek because I couldn't believe someone would actually spend they're valuable time hating on someone they have never even met like this. So when I came and started to read the post and comments I was amazed and saddened. All these young, and probably for the most part Black females on here tearing this woman down like she's done something personal to them. It's envy and jealousy in it's purest form and it's obvious the site owner and regular commenters on here are unhappy and unfulfilled with their everyday lives. Life is short ladies, you only get one chance on this earth so it's best to spend life living to improve your selves and spread as much positive energy as possible. If you don't like Beyonce' simply ignore her, some of the comments on here border on obsession and it's not healthy.She has no idea you or this site even exist and even if she did I doubt she cares. When you spend time spewing out hate and negativity towards someone else who has done you no harm, it comes back to you. Ok, I'll step off my soap box now and I won't be coming back here but this had to be said. Beyonce' is a multi-millionaire living and enjoying her life, so maybe you ladies should do the same.

  13. @ dontbelievethehype...Didnt I say that I am not a fan of beyonce? So how can I be annoyed? I guess you read what you wanted to read right? And people say that beyonce fans are lunatics...beyonce haters are even worse. This website is an prime example...did you see how HOB flooded DCR comments? So much that the Moderater over @ Destinys child rumors and to block her/him? Insanity....Its an obsession that is unhealty seek help.

  14. THANK YOU i been saying blond on black women was out. faith evans made it iconic, and SHE dont even dye her hair blond no more!!!!

    she has had the same honey blonde/33 hair since she came out, time to retire that lacefront shit for real.

    wannabe mariah carey

  15. Back with OLD posts??? The posts since Saturday are at least a month or more old!! If you're gonna come back (like I wish you would) come back with that FIRE! We've seen these posts on other blogs and your comments are the same as the others. Do better! Cause I know you can! :-)

  16. @Kim81
    you need to take your post cut and paste it all over the internet because that's what most blogs do dis or praise someone.

    Its call an opinion and like assholes everyone has one. Now as far as enjoying our lives posting dosent take that much time that we still cannot enjoy our lives.

    Thank you for your post and enjoy your life not telling others what to do with there's.

  17. I put Beyonce is in the same catorgory as
    Talented but both are:

    A Menace to Society for the deeds they have done!

    Beyonce continues to dress half naked and dance with sexual suggestive moves, and has support for such actions and most of them are my age. These types of actions are no longer acceptable!

    I have said ENuff, outta here before the stans start defending her AGAIN.

  18. personally i don't care if you are a fan or not,it's my right to speak my mind and until they make a law banning criticizing beyonce than i will continue to let the masses know we have to stop spoon feeding this nonsense to our young children and mentaly unbalanced adults. she is like a disease that's keeping us preoccupied while society leaves us in the cold dust.we( the black community) have enough problems without having lessons on how to be a hooker by beyonce knowles

  19. it is not your job to save the world. Its is your job as a parent to teach your child right and matter what you say about beyonce she is going to be here.her music is going to play on the radio. So explain to me how hating on her is helping the black community. You cant tell me. You dont know her...none of us do...we have way worse things in this world to worry about than Beyonce and her being a "hooker" lol....You have alot of nerve talking about "mentally unbalanced adults" And you have the right to speak your mind...did I ever tell you that you didnt? So do I. Get over yourself and stop your obsession with a woman who dosent even know you exist. You do not make a difference in Beyonces world nor do you make a difference in anyone else. Sit down and hve a nice day. Im done with point made

  20. @HaitianSensation...

    You actually make no point. STFU and stop visiting this blog if you hate it so much.

    "we have way worse things in this world to worry about than Beyonce and her being a "hooker" lol"
    Yeah? LOL LOL LOL keep saying it, it makes you sound so intelligent LOL LOL LOL
    Clearly you're worried about it if you keep commenting on this like a dumbass. Go blow your money on some more trashy ghetto Dereon clothing, and go to a trashy ghetto white attire only party. I can't STAND people who come on blogs like this to lecture people on their content! Go to a fan site and shut up about it!

  21. She looks okay. They shaved down her legs with the photoshopping.

  22. Well i guess you told me julie! my feelings are you are one of those crazy people i was talking about....You have a nice Memorial Day E-thug!...keep e-thuggin!

  23. Question...who wears HOD/Dereon??? I mean, really....................................other than Beyonce/Tina/Solange/Kelly/Michelle.....................................

  24. it's so funny when people defend blogs like these to the death. as if there is some acceptable reason for creating it. it's jealousy, altering photos and calling names is childish. hatiansensation is right. you people do need help. and you have the nerve to ask s/he why they come here if they hate it. why do you check for beyonce if you hate her? if you knew how truly stupid the concept of hating someone and being tired of seeing them and yet filling every second of your life with them was, you'd realize how demented and insane you are. but i guess you're too blind with hatred to see that.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. ^^^thank you! awesome point. Having that much malice against someone who has done you NO harm is a sin...and I bet some of the people that hate beyonce call them selves "Church Goin Folk" SMH. Even though I know some e-thug is going to come behind me and say something about what I said just proves our point even more "THEY ARE NUTS!!"

  27. ^lol i know that's right. im not a very religious person, but it does upset me when people bring Jesus and God into sites like these. on't let the title mislead you, it's basically a hate sit about bey) people constantly call her a tramp and a slut and a bitch, and then turn around and say God don't like ugly and she's going to hell. it makes no sense to me, but like you said they're insane.

    and i hate when they say people who defend her are stans and stupid to defend her, pathetic, they never have sane statements.

  28. She's triflin and useless.

    She refuse to address the fact that many young women are getting suspended from school for dancin in leotards... etc

    Then not even a year later she produced another video of herself dancin in a leotard.

    Doing the damn "Jerk".

    Moderator - shed light on how many videos involve beyonce dancin in a chair.

    It's like this b*tch has a fettish for dancin in chairs.

    Example : Ring The Alarm





  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. and yet you took the time to come on this site...that's why sites like these are popping up every where...we know it annoys her fans..thanx!

    Very true.. she's or it is contributing too much to this site... yet claims to be fans


    Straight with no Fakers!

  36. ANATHER UGLY ASS MUTHAFUCKING OBVIOUSLY BLACK BITCH THAT MADE THIS SITE. Well hate all you like coz they will always be more pipo that love her than hate her.
    Oops n guess wat, she famous n u not; shes making th money n agen u nt. All these idiots suporting u are obviously abused bitter people who are so jealous that a black SEXY AS HELL WOMAN has made it BIG. N FACE IT, SHE IS MORE WOMAN THAN MOST OF U UGLY ASS BITCHES. So hate all u like.
